

Did you ever hear of the Uyghurs?   It could be spelled Uigur or Uygur or Uighur.  (Its all the same - it is difficult to romanticize Asian words.)  However you spell it, pronounce it "we'-gore."  There are about 15,000,000 living in China.  

The Uyghurs are an East Asian ethnic group that lives in China - mostly the Xinjiang Provence which lies in the far western part of the country.  Originally of Turkish decent, they have characteristics of both Western Asians and Chinese (East Asians).  Most modern day Uyghurs are now Muslims.  

The Uyghurs have been at odds with China for centuries but mostly for the last 200 years when Xinjiang became a part of the huge country.  Underground separatist groups have been fighting with the Chinese for the last 20 years. 

The Chinese government is now cracking down on the Uyghurs or ETIM (East Turkestan Islamic Movement) for their practice of Islam.  Ethnic rioting broke out a few years ago when the Chinese refused to allow Uyghurs government workers to fast during Ramadan.  Uyghurs have long complained about restrictions placed on their religious schools and China's refusal to allow more Mosques to be built. 

The Chinese military is there in force as the Separatist movement grows.  Civil unrest has continued and escalates to this date.  It is reported that hundreds of Uyghurs are under arrest, charged with crimes against the state and placed in camps or given death sentences.  

It is difficult to get good information from this part of China but the world has to guard against this type of ethnic cleansing no matter the local.  The USA must be firm in opposition to it.  Let not people of any religion, in any nation, be murdered for their beliefs.  

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