


I never lived in an apartment. Most people have lived in one at one time or another. Not that I was rich or anything, that's just how it worked out and times sure were different then. Usually, its the transition place between your parents place and your first home. I did live in a tent for a year but I don't count that.

When I was about to get out of the Army in 1967, my brother-in-law had recently bought a home on a cute little street on the north side of Cincinnati. He became close friends with a neighbor across the street. That neighbor was a financial adviser and was doing so well for the brokerage company he worked for that he was going into business for himself. He was making some big bucks and wanted to move to a bigger house. My brother-in-law told my wife, she looked at the house and fell in love with it. The owner agreed to let us assume his loan if we could come up with a whopping $300. Yes, three hundred dollars and we owned the house - brick construction, three bedrooms, two full baths, attached garage, nice yard, equipped kitchen. And how much did they still owe on the loan we assumed? A whopping $15,000. Yes, fifteen thousand dollars and the loan was a VA type with a 4-1/4% rate. You don't see figures like that anymore. Of course, I was making about $7.50 per hour. Thats how I missed out on apartment living.

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