


I was reminded yesterday how things have changed concerning family finances. My father worked not far from our home when I was a youngster. He was paid weekly and took his check directly to the building and loan across the street from the factory. He got the check cashed and paid on our house's mortgage which they held. The rest of the cash he brought home and my mother would divide it up and put it in little boxes in her chest of drawers. One box was for the gas and electric company, one for the telephone company, etc. When the time came, the cash was taken into town and paid at the proper place. I don't know if they didn't believe in checking accounts, didn't trust them or just thought they were unnecessary. Even the insurance policies were paid in cash. Our local agent would stop by the house to collect. Nothing was bought on credit (or on 'time' as they called it).

Money was also saved at the building and loan. One savings account was for a new 'used' car and another was a Christmas account so presents could be purchased at the right time.

I'm not sure if money was more important when you could actually see it but I think it tended to keep things in perspective. It was easier to compare the value of things when you saw the money in each little box. I don't think people were so inclined to 'blow' money on things not really needed. Going to town once a month to pay your bills was also a time to see your friends, visit the big department stores in the area and have lunch at the soda fountain counter.

Now we're at the point that most of my transactions are done on the computer. Its different but not necessarily better.

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