


The Latin word for moon is luna. It was common in medieval times to associate temporary insanity with the phases of the moon. Thus, this condition became known as lunacy. A lunatic is a wild and/or insane person.

Tomorrow we will have a full moon. Will the lunatics come out? Maybe, werewolves will be on the prowl.

No one is quite sure of the etymology of the word honeymoon. It is generally accepted that it originally referred to the first month of marriage - the time from full moon to full moon being one month. Everything would certainly be as sweet as honey for the first month. Personally, I think lunacy has to fit in there somewhere.

There exists a large group of people who doubt that a man has ever stepped on the surface of the moon. These skeptics think, to this day, that it is impossible with our current technology for a man to make it to the moon alive much less return. They think it was a staged in a studio and books have been written about the subject. Hogwash!

Neil Armstrong of the Apollo 11 crew said these words as he stepped onto the moon's surface for the first time, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Originally from Wapakoneta, Ohio, he settled in Lebanon, Ohio after retiring from NASA. He taught at the University of Cincinnati college of engineering for about 8 years. Life is not always easy for him even in this sleepy community 30 miles north of Cincinnati. Last year, he had to threaten to sue his barber for selling his hair without his consent. The Lebanon barber got $3,000 for some of it. Now, that is lunacy.

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