


Lets just get a few things straight.

Hezbollah is both a political and a military organization. Hezbollah means 'Party of God'. It was founded in the mid-1980's with the expressed purpose of fighting Israel who had forces in southern Lebanon at the time. Hezbollah is a Shiite Islamic group which follows closely the ideology of the late Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran. Hezbollah is supported financially by both Syria and Iran. Some members of Hezbollah sit on the Lebanese parliament. Hezbollah's political platform calls for the destruction of Israel.

Now, Hezbollah has attacked Israel from Lebanon. Hezbollah has captured two Israeli soldiers. Rockets are being fired at civilian targets in Israel.

Hamas is the Palestinian resistance movement. It is a Sunni Islamic group. Israel has been in a long-standing border dispute with the Palestinians. The Palestinians believe that some of Israel's land is rightfully theirs. Israel has also had a soldier captured by Hamas. This group is famous for its suicide bombers.

In Iraq, there are people of both Shiite and Sunni Islamic sects. They hold some opposing views even though they are all Muslims. They are busy killing each other.

Israel's military can defeat any middle eastern country. The big worry is that a group of them would gang up and present an overwhelming force. Our presence in Iraq eliminates one potential enemy and acts like a buffer for others. Only some very outrageous act by the Israelis, could cause an escalation of the war. That is not likely to happen.

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