

I eat lunch every Friday at the bar of a restaurant near my office. A few weeks ago they installed a mini refrigerator on a shelf behind the bar. Its purpose is to hold Anheuser-Busch products that they are now selling in aluminum bottles. That includes Bud and Bud Light and, I'm told, will soon include their Select and Michelob products. This new 'fridge' takes the beer down to 22 degrees F.

You science gurus know that water freezes at 32 degrees F at sea level. Maybe you were wondering why the beer doesn't freeze. Its the aluminum bottles that do the trick, I guess. In any case, it seems to me that if you buy one of these things and pour the beer into a glass it will freeze as soon as it leaves the bottle. Your glass would be full of ice. If you drink it from the bottle, you could get your lips or tongue stuck to it. Don't you need a glove to hold it? Is this better than a blue mountain? Is this all in response to 'global warming'? I like my beer cold like most Americans but this is going to an unnecessary extreme. Isn't it?

Actually, I'm afraid to try one of these things. Will someone out there please be the guinea pig and report back how it all worked out?

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