


January was pretty uneventful except for the warm weather. Suzanne was recovering from her second cardiac stent implant which happened the week after Christmas. Joe was getting used to life without a cast on his arm.

February turned very cold and gave us some decent snowfalls for these parts. Actually, the first two weeks sucked with snow and ice and below freezing temperatures. The ice was so bad that thousands were out of electricity around here. We lost half a pine tree and some shingles to the ice and wind. We did get a new car. Jeff was out of work temporarily but landed on his feet.

March gave us a taste of Spring. Stacey made a weekend visit as a surprise for her mother. We ate, drank and shopped for three days. The ladies had a baby shower for Missy while Stacey was in town. The name of our next grandchild seems to be a topic of conversation every time we get together. Women have no patience. I redid the bathroom.

In the first week of April, we set records for the hottest day on record and two days later for the coldest day on record - typical Cincinnati weather. Scot came home from Europe with an infected leg. Frank & Shelly and the kids went to Cancun again for spring break. Missy gave birth to Milo Patrick on the morning of the 13th.

In May, Drew made his First Communion and Ryan was Confirmed. Ryan took the name of Patrick. :) Christopher Sizer graduated from Mariemont High School. Joe Fuhrman graduated from the 8th grade. It was a very hot and dry month.

In June, we vacationed on Anna Maria Island with Frank & Shelly and their kids and Stacey and Ben. Amy and her boys came to visit for two days while we were there. Suzanne had trouble with her knee and was told she had a torn meniscus that needed to be surgically repaired. Milo is growing like mad. The weather was again very hot and very dry. Ryan fractured his arm.

The weather stayed hot and dry in July. Stacey, Scot and family visited for a week and then went on to the lake for a week. On there way, they stopped at the Bengals practice facility in Georgetown. Shelly and Frank and kids made their yearly visit to the Windy City while Taste of Chicago was going on.

August was a snap. Drew snapped his fingers and Maddy fell off a horse and snapped her arm. Each ended up in a cast. It was super hot and very dry. Suzanne got sucked into jury duty again. The adorable dachshund, Charley, was put to rest.

September was another Summer month this year. Cincinnati boiled all through the month and almost not a drop of rain landed on my yard. I never really cut the grass this month.

October started as another Summer month. It was in the 90's through the ninth and then, finally, Autumn weather arrived. Scot got a 'nose job'. It finally rained for a week or so. It was still unseasonably hot for October. The Bearcats were exciting and the Bengals were awful.

In November, my dad was put in the hospital with a urinary problem. He got his plumbing roto-rootered and was released to the world with everything running clear. Relatively warm weather continued. Milo got his first tooth. On Thanksgiving night and the next morning we got our first dusting of snow for the season. Taylor Sizer was found to have a problem with a leg bone that will set him on the sidelines for quite a while. Shelley hosted Thanksgiving for the Ohioans. Cincinnati was set back by the passing of Joe Nuxhall. My dad was in and out of hospitals and nursing homes through the end of the month.

In December, we got a small snow storm or two in the first week. My sister Sharon came in to see my dad. Dad was in and out of the hospital and in and out of a nursing home. He never really recovered from the TURP procedure he had in November. He passed on the 21st while I was in Florida. My son, Andy, was our hero; taking care of my mother in the most critical of times. The end of the month was taken up with the funeral. Stacey flew in and Shelley stayed behind for a few days when her family went to Florida. We had the most disjointed Christmas I could ever imagine. Hopefully, 2008 will end on a better note.

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