

The Reds finished the first week of the season at 4-2. Rookie pitcher, Johnny Cueto, was all the talk. He doesn't speak a word of English but has a smile that transcends language. He just turned 22 years old but has the mound presence of a veteran. I think he pitched only 3 games in AAA ball last year, most of his time being spent in single-A and double-A. Its hard to do much better than a 7-inning 1-hitter with 10 strikeouts. I can't wait until he pitches again.

The Bengals pushed Chad Johnson off of the front page of the sports section by releasing receiver Chris Henry when he was again arrested. The joke around town was that the Bengals had invoked their 'seven strikes and you're out policy'. Meanwhile, Chad has agreed to come to the 'compulsory' mini-camp. I have a difficult time following what he is saying in interviews these days. In April of 2006, the Bengals extended Chad's contract to 2010 plus an option year. According to Paul Daugherty's blog, the following made the paper the next day. "In terms of 'new money,' and just being unique from the standpoint of being able to do something for a player who still had four years left on his [existing] contract, it's really monumental," said agent Drew Rosenhaus, who was hired by Johnson a year ago to upgrade his contract "As long as I've been doing this, I've never been able to get an extension like this, basically because of the time remaining on the contract. It's historical. And it's a testament to Chad, and how well he's performed, and to Bengals management for the way they have handled this and the commitment they've made to him." Makes one wonder, doesn't it.

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