

On this date in 1977, we were at a Memorial Day weekend picnic at some friends house on the east side of Cincinnati. We were sitting on their patio overlooking the Ohio River, with northern Kentucky beyond, waiting for fireworks to begin. Shortly after nine pm the radio music was interrupted to tell us of a fire at the Beverly Hills Supper Club in Southgate, Kentucky. We could see the smoke rising from the distant hill.

It was the third deadliest nightclub fire in U.S. history. 165 died in the fire and over 300 were injured. Had it not been for Walter Bailey, many more would have died. Bailey was a teenage busboy who noticed the fire in the Zebra Room shortly after a wedding reception ended at about 8:30. He raced down the long corridor and shouted into each room and bar a warning of the fire. When he got to the Cabaret Room at the rear of the building he went in and went on stage to interrupt the comedians who were opening for singer John Davidson. He took a microphone and warned the 1300 patrons of the fire and pointed out the exits.

President Jimmy Carter later sent Walter Bailey a hand-written commendation for the bravery and initiative he showed. Fire officials agree that many more would have died without his warning. Only two minutes after his announcement a huge fire ball exploded into the Cabaret Room. Only those who had heeded the teenager's warning were saved.

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