

While Frank, Shell and the kids went snorkeling for sand dollars, Stacey and her mother talked me into making short trip to the mall to get some basketball shoes for Ben. It didn't sound too bad and anyway, I know a thing or two about basketball shoes. We head out in her van and after about 15 minutes she decides to look at the directions she copied off of mapquest. We were going the wrong way. We were supposed to be heading south to Sarasota but had come east to Bradenton. She makes a u-turn and after a half hour we are just about back where we started. Now we are stuck on the two lane road south behind a plumbers truck who was being paid portal-to-portal. Nobody drives that slow. We go south for at least a half of an hour and we are sure we're lost but see a route sign just before Stacey was going to turn around and hit me with her purse. We eventually found the huge mall we were looking for. I think we were closer to Key West than Sarasota. We made a phone call to the store in the mall from the parking lot to see exactly where they were. Of course we shopped for a few things besides gym shoes but that wasn't too bad. We had late lunch in a sports bar named Boston. (We helped them win last night) When we started home and decided to take a different route, I put my seat way back and went to sleep. When I woke, I heard Stacey and her mother discussing how they had a fifty-fifty chance of being right but chose the wrong way again and had just made another u-turn. These gals are a menace to oil prices. When we got home, the day was shot.

Last night we drove down toward Longboat to a nice little restaurant named the Bridgetender which we go to every year. About the time we were seated, a huge storm hit and blew rain in through the full length windows we were near. Undaunted, we just move the kids to a different table and went on with the feast. A little rain didn't bother us, but it did bother the entertainment. A guy was playing electric guitar and signing and had to go unplugged. I would too when I hear the restaurants inside signs start popping loudly. We could have all been electrocuted. The meal was great. When we got back to the house, it was clear again and I went to the beach with the kids. I love it there at dusk. I got back for part of the movie Semi-Pro (which stinks) and the last quarter of the Celts/Lakers game...unbelieveable!

This morning I went for another hour-long walk on the beach. I've been sleeping a little later than my usual and, as a result, its really hot by the time I finish walking. Here are some strange things I've heard while on my walks; passing sunbathers, fishermen and beachcombers. "They're small." "They can't be real." "I don't want to get sunburned there." "Do it in the ocean." "Those are too big" "Sand in every crack."

We had breakfast on the outdoor restaurant on the beach. Everyone soon headed for the Gulf for more snorkeling. I may actually take a shower today. Its not quite so important for me since I don't wear underwear on vacation. I've only had on a swimsuit and t-shirt for three days. I switch off between flip-flops, sneakers and clogs for variety.

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