

Here's what I have written the last three Halloweens.

In 2005:
A pagan festival when we encourage our children to get as much food stuff as possible that will make them obese, push them into hyperactivity and make their teeth fall out. I'm still searching for it's redeeming value.

In 2006:
...Our Halloween was originated in Ireland. There it was and is called Samhain which means end of Summer and it is an agricultural festival. It is the time to take stock of your harvest and count your cattle and to decide what of each you needed to keep to get through the winter. The rest is sold, traded or shared with neighbors. The festival is marked by bonfires. These are fires into which the bones of slaughtered animals are thrown by all in the community. These fires are meant to bond them together and keep away evil spirits.

In 2007:
"Hallowed be Thy name." To hallow is to honor; to consecrate; to set aside as special. Abe Lincoln used this word in the Gettysburg Address, "...we can not hallow ... this ground. The brave men..." Tomorrow is the day the Church traditionally honors all of its saints, all of those that are hallowed. Today is the eve of that day...All Hallows Eve or Halloween. Just a reminder!

You would think I don't like Halloween very much. I actually do - when I see large smiles on tiny faces and big ol' grins on proud young parents.

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