

Can you believe it? I can't.

I've been watching TV most of my life. My favorite TV shows come and go mostly at the whim of advertisers who rely on the Nielsen ratings to tell them how many TVs are tuned in and how many people are watching. Now, after all these years, I've been selected as a "Nielsen Family". I was so excited. I will have such power. This could be the last year for American Idol if I don't tune in. Keifer Sutherland and Hugh Laurie might be out of work if I fall asleep after dinner. What a responsibility!

A 'First Class' postcard came in the mail last Thursday and it was addressed to me. Is that neat or what? Here's what it says.

Nielsen TV . We've produced the TV ratings for over 50 years.
It is my pleasure to tell you that your household has been chosen to be a "Nielsen Family" . . . for a one week TV survey!

Only one week? . . . after all these years??

In a few days . . . you will receive a long distance phone call from us to explain this exciting opportunity.

A 'long distance' phone call? was that supposed to impress me? I don't answer the phone most of the time and never when I don't recognize the number. Oh, no!

Please be assured that we are not attempting to sell anything to you. Our only purpose is to learn which TV programs you and your household watch during the week of the survey.

Not attempting to sell me anything? what do I get? what's it worth to you? and who will find out what TV shows I watch?

We will telephone you soon. Thank you, Susan Whiting, President, Nielsen Media Research, Inc.

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