

Too late in life I discovered bulbs...flowering bulbs, that is. They are so easy to grow and so fun to watch. In this part of the country, these flowers talk to us about Spring.

In February, you can sit inside the warm house and anxiously await the Crocus making their move first. Crocus pop before the end of February and often push up through the snow. By the end of March, they are withering. Daffodils come next. From the Ides of March to the middle of April, the daffodils shine. Before the daffodils fade, majestic tulips are up and ready to burst in color.

If you haven't done it before, go ahead and get started. Buy your bulbs in the spring as soon as they are available. They use up their inherent food while sitting in the garden store waiting for you to buy them. Keep them cool until you are ready to plant them. Bulbs are always planted with the pointy side up. In general, the should be planted as deep as the size of the bulb (a 4" high bulb should be planted 4" under the soil). The soil should be decent...not all tight southern Ohio clay. Don't plant them in an area that stays wet...that will rot the bulb. You can water them in but no need to fertilize. Just sit and enjoy them each Spring.

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