

We used to see, to my wife's dismay, a couple of little green garter snakes in the yard each Spring. Once in a while, I would kill one with the lawn mower. The idiots would stick their heads up out of the grass to see what was coming.

Last Summer I cemented closed the openings on the underside of our front porch slab and this year they are not to be found. I'm not sure if I cemented them in or out. They never really bothered me.

There are about 120 species of snakes in the United States. Only four species are poisonous. One of the poisonous ones is the coral snake which can only be found only in the southern (tropical) part of our country. Another type is the copperhead. These are only found on the Eastern Seaboard, from Massachusetts to Florida. A third is the water moccasin which only lives in the southeast. The last is the rattlesnake which can be found almost everywhere else in the country.

Where I live, the only poisonous snake to be found is the rattlesnake. So, if it doesn't rattle, don't worry. Of course, if you live in Florida, they could all be there.

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