

President Obama held a summit meeting of business leaders to brainstorm how to create jobs. He has determined that lack of jobs is the biggest problem we have right now. BHO thinks these captains of industry will share some secret creative ideas about how they create jobs.

Hogwash! How naive!

Business people don't sit around their offices trying to figure out how to employ more people. Never in their lives have they done something like that. They want to employ as few people as possible to produce the appropriate volume of goods or services. This is how you increase the bottom line. The only reason they employ more people is to make more money.

The required increase in production or industrial expansion is based on an increase in demand for products beyond what they are now producing. The demand is not there. People, and the businesses they run, either have no money to buy more than they are buying now or they are reluctant to spend money they have for fear the economic realities in which we live will get worse. Only confidence in a stable or growing economy will change this. How could anyone have confidence in the economy when all we see is the government throwing money at selected hot spots, legislating more debt than we can stand and causing the devaluation of the dollar? Spending your way out of financial problems is foreign to my mind.


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