

If I didn't say it before, I think it is such a waste of our dollars to hold congressional hearings on things that relate to sports. 

Well, some of our elected officials desiring face-time on the small screen felt they had to get their nose into the issue of performance enhancing drug use by professionals.  They subpoenaed several major league baseball players and grilled them about their use.  I think most either lied or took fifth amendment protection.  Roger Clemens directly disputed what those who should know said about his use.  Congress decided to try him for perjury...lying to Congress before a Senate committee hearing...a serious offense.  The additional cost to do this is tremendous.  Now, the government lawyers were so inept as to introduce evidence in their opening statement that was expressly prohibited by the judge before the trial began.  The judge had to declare a mistrial.  Nothing to do now except either start the trial process over and spend millions more or forget it all. 

The government had previously gone after Berry Bonds in a similar circumstance.  He was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice related to answers he gave the government seven years ago.  His trial was finally held earlier this year.  He was not found guilty of perjury but convicted of obstruction of justice.  What, pray tell, did the government spend in the eight year span from the time it began the investigation to the end of the almost fruitless trial?  When will common sense return to the Halls of Congress and the Justice Department?

My previous blogs on this subject can be found on 10/5/06, 6/28/07, 1/5/08, 2/12/09...check 'm out.

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