

I did some thinking about food today.  Follow me here.
Adam and Eve had all they wanted or all they needed...so do we.  What has gone on in between is very interesting.  The cave people must have eaten mostly berries, seeds, fruit and nuts they found on vegetation. Evidently some vegetables also grew in the wild.  The human race got off to a slow start with that diet.  Maybe they tried a dead animal once or twice.  That couldn't have been too good until fire was discovered.  It must have been many centuries until our ancestors discovered that they could take the seeds out of edibles and cause a new plant to form.  That was the beginning of farming.  That was humankind exerting more control over what food was eaten.

Fast forward to today.  We eat little or no food that grows wild.  Most of our fruits and vegetables are grown in orchards or on farms.  Almost all of the meat that we eat is raised domestically.  Even most of the fish we eat is raised in hatcheries.  In America, we've traded in millions of bison roaming the plains for millions of cattle standing in feedlots.  We've traded blackberries growing wild on bushes for tomatoes grown in hydroponic gardens under glass.  Can this be good?  The only wild animal that I eat is ocean fish.  I think tuna still comes from the sea.  I'm not sure how many of the other fish I eat are caught in the wild.  The basis of our diet; cattle, chickens, pigs, sheep and turkeys are raised specifically for food.  No wild animals are in my diet. 

I guess this is all progress but I wonder where it goes from here.  What is next? 

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