

Last night, the weather was beautiful...a little too hot for my wife but very good for softball. We were a little short of people at the game.  We used Trevor Lemmel's 13-year-old son, Jack, as our catcher.  He did a good job and even got a hit. Andy and his kids were there but he couldn't play because he had to watch the kids.   In the 6th inning of a very close game, Ryan Ramminger, playing second base, wrenched his good knee and had to come out.  The call went out into the stands.  Luckily, my wife had arrived from the beauty salon. She still had the separators between her painted toes.  Of course, just nine were painted since she is missing a large nail.  We drafted Andy to fill in for Ryan in the last inning.  Andy got one at-bat and got a solid single.  He may have even knocked in our last run.  He played second in the bottom of the 7th and had two balls hit to him, both of which he handled.  The bottom line is . . . we won . . . 8-7.  I pitched and was 1 for 4 at the plate.  Good win!  Good beer!  Good fun!

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