

Thursday it got up to 94 degrees here in the Ohio Valley.  I went walking around the lake at Sharon Woods after work.  The heat kept down the crowd. 

While on my walk, I came around a bend and a young couple who I had seen before were coming at me going in the other direction.  The path was about six foot wide at this point and heavily wooded on each side.  As they neared, I noticed that they had some followers.  About a dozen Mallard and Wood Ducks were waddling along after them.  As I got close, I saw that the guy had a bag of something (maybe popcorn) in hand.  He had obviously used it to lure the ducks out of the lake and onto the path.  He was dropping a piece or two every step to keep them coming. When I came to cross them going the other way, they ran and squawked and jumped but kept on going following the guy with the popcorn.  I told the young guy that he was a Pied Piper.  I'm not sure he knew what I meant.

Anyway, I guess it was a fun thing for them to do but it's not too smart.  Ducks and other fowl don't have the digestive system to handle processed foods.  I often see people feeding bread to ducks and geese.  If they eat too much, it can make them sick.  Resist the fun if you can.

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