

In the 1960's, an American psycho-biologist named Roger Sperry began developing theories about the brain.  He was convinced that each side of the brain was used for different types of thinking and that every person is either right or left brain dominant. In 1981, he was awarded a Nobel Prize for his work.

Sperry decided that those who are right brain dominant are ruled by feelings, are 'big picture' oriented, more likely to use their imagination and have good spatial perception.  Those who are left brain dominant are ruled by logic, very detailed oriented, rely on facts and math, good with words and language, all things based on reality.

We did some testing relative to this at a place I worked in the 1980's.  With the results, I decided that I was way too left brain dominant for my own good.  I set out to develop my right brain. "Art" was my challenge.  When you start a painting, you have to see the big picture and ignore the details until last.  It was good practice. 

Here are some other things I did to challenge my brain.  Try it yourself.  Put your hands together, palm to palm as if praying.  Now, interlock your fingers and hold them in front of you.  Note which first finger is closer to you, left or right.  After a few seconds, straighten your fingers again and then interlock them with the other first finger nearest you.  How strange does it feel?  I remember when I first started doing this, it felt very strange to me.

Here is another similar thing that I like to do.  This is good when you are listening to a speaker or lecturer and are trying to concentrate on what is being said.  In a relaxed fashion, arch the fingers of both hands as if holding an imaginary ball.  Now, barely touch the ends of all fingers and thumbs.  You can bounce them very lightly against each other.  Make it feel like electricity is jumping the gap between your hands.  I think this joins the two sides of your brain for maximum concentration.  What do you think?


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