

"Riddle me this, Batman."

All the rivers in the world flow to the sea.  How come the sea doesn't get any higher?  Let's try to figure this out.

Okay, so all the rivers get their water from rain and snow.  All the rain and snow comes from the condensation of water vapor in the air which forms clouds.  Of course, when the water droplets get too heavy they fall to the earth.  It's a little more complicated than that but we won't worry about it.

Anyway, I guess the sea doesn't get any higher because some of it is always evaporating into the air and it eventually condensates and creates rain and snow which falls to the earth and fills the rivers which flow to the sea and it starts all over again. 

This all seems pretty logical.  What about the fact that seawater is saltwater and river water is not?  If the oceans are constantly evaporating into the air to cause rainfall, where did the salt go? It must be that the evaporation process can't take that salt with it when it goes up into the air.  Okay, forget the salt. 

If this big cycle of rain and evaporation is roughly what is going on, who thought of it?  Who devised such a great scheme?  Brilliant, just brilliant.  The guy who thought this up is really something.


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