

A week or so ago, I wrote about a tree that I see on my walks through Sharon Woods.  My friend and I attempted to brighten the day of other walkers by installing eyes in what appeared to be a face.  I may not have mentioned that we regularly find gloves and scarves and hats and baby socks along the path.  We always pick them up and put them in distinct locations (like on a park bench) for the loser to find.  Its almost a little game we play.  Well, we're not the only ones playing games.

There is a spot on the lake trail where several paths conjoin.  Someone has been putting flowers, picked off of the trail, into a little hole in the fencing behind a sign.  We first noticed it in the Summer when we began walking together.  About once a week, the flowers are changed. I hadn't thought to take a picture until this week.  The latest is a bouquet of Fall type wildflowers, weeds and grasses.  We don't know who does it, but its a nice touch.  I wish the picture were better - I hope you get the idea. 

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