

I refer you to my post of November 12, 2012.  I wrote about what I had learned about antlers.  Each male member of the deer family loses his antlers once a year after rutting season and grows new ones for the next year.  You can read it for yourself and find it easily by using the search applications at the right.

In any case, this quick regrowth of antlers led some mad scientists to surmise that whatever it was that made them grow quickly could help humans with growth.  By now, everyone has heard of HGH (human growth hormone).  This substance has been banned for athletic use by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for a number of years.  The substance that made the antlers grow is IGF (insulin growth factor) - same difference - it is also banned. 

Well, aforementioned mad scientists figured out how to whip up this stuff in their garage and put it in the form of an atomized spray.  Athletes can spay it sublingually (under the tongue) and it will help them heal faster or, with other PED (performance enhancing drugs), grow bigger and stronger more quickly.

In order to get free advertisement for their deer-antler spray, the mad scientists whispered aloud the week before the Super Bowl that Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis had used their product to help him quickly recover from his recent triceps injury.  The Sports Illustrated writer assigned to this story then visited the manufacturer and dug up that professional golfer Vijay Singh and maybe other golfers have also been spraying this juice under their tongues.

Personally, I don't care what professional athletes put in their bodies or under their tongues.  Personally, I think its wrong to prohibit a person from healing as quickly as possible.  But, "da rules is da rules".

Is there any limit to what an athlete will do to gain an edge?   What next?

For the sake of journalistic honesty, I must admit that I sometimes pop an aspirin or two before a ball game so that my joints don't ache so much the next day.  What next?

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