

I woke up Wednesday morning with a terrible runny nose and uncontrollable sneezing.  Not sure if it was an allergic reaction or a virus that attacked me.  I have had this once before in my life that I recall.  It befell me on the way to Ireland in 2010.  That time, I assumed the long plane flight was the trigger.  The problem lasted about two days and then dissipated.  I was miserable for two days. 

Late in the morning, when I realized that I was having this problem again, I started searching the house for some medicinal remedy that I might use.  I came upon a Sudafed nasal spray which seemed to be appropriate.  Not until I unboxed the spray did I notice that the price tag indicated it was purchased from Dowling's Pharmacy.  Its crazy that I was so slow to put two and two together.  You guessed it, Dowling's is on Baggot Street in Dublin.  That's the drug store I walked to asking for help from the "chemist."  The price was 5.00 euros - well worth it at the time.

  Here is a picture of the pharmacy.  It shouldn't surprise you that the establishment to the left is a pub. 


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