

We started the season with a doubleheader last night.  It couldn't have gone better. 

I walked three miles at noon, as is my usual on Fridays, and then hit golf balls for an hour.  From there, I went to one of my local watering holes and had a beer and a burger. 

I got home about four and thought I would rest up for the games.  I fell asleep.  The first game started at 6:30 -- that's when I woke up.  Oh no!  I showered and headed for the ball park. 

When I arrived, the bottom of the top of the second had just finished.  Someone yelled from the bench when I was in sight,  "You're up second, get in here."  OMG!  I'm actually going to play.

I walked to the plate and slammed one between third and short for a hit.  Amazing.   First swing in a year.  I batted seven times in the two games and got four hits.  We won both games - the second game by run-rule in five innings. 

Afterwards, beer on the hill by the park and bonding with old friends.  We got new shirts from Campioni's Pizza, our sponsor.  We went to Campioni's later and had beer and pizza.  I couldn't have hoped for a better night.

Now comes the aspirin and ice!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are amazing:)