

Lets take the risk of thinking outside the box.  How about this?

We Americans are so damned sure that representative democracy (our form of government) is the one and only way a country should be run.  It has become for us a truth that is not in question.  If given a chance, we impose it on other countries.  We relate freedom to democracy and justify wars by bringing democracy to countries whether they want it or not.  Are we so sure this is right?

When internal conflicts and civil wars brew in other countries, we are certain to take the side of those who want democracy.  Are we so sure this is always right?

Our form of government has brought great prosperity to the land.  But maybe, just maybe, it would have happened with some other form of government.  America is so blessed with natural resources, maybe it couldn't miss.

Maybe, just maybe, our form of government is perfect for countries of a certain age; young ones like America but not for older ones.  It certainly seems to be on a slippery slope right now.  In this century, we elect presidents and then hate them for eight years.  The two-party system has become so polarized that it has left the government almost totally dysfunctional.

Maybe, just maybe, there is something we could do to make things better here.  Maybe, just maybe, there is something we could learn from other countries.  

Think about it.  I'll explore it further next week.

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