

. . . one of the really beautiful songs of the last century was written for a movie starring Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor called "The Sandpiper"?   The 1965 love story did not attain great acclaim but the music did.  "The Shadow of Her Smile" garnered the Oscar for  'best music, original song' at the Academy Awards and 'best song written for a movie' at the Grammy Awards.

. . . we find happiness when we resist wanting more.

. . . that I find myself talking, more and more, to other women besides my wife;  Alexa!  Seri!  the Garmin chic!  Am I cheating?

. . . the tallest building in the whole state of Vermont is 124' tall;  it's called the Decker Towers in Burlington.

. . . there is a saying going around, "Life is too short to drink bad wine."  I say, "Life is too short to waste any wine."

. . . there are more than 1.7 billion followers of Islam.  It is the second largest religion in the world and the fastest growing.  Of the 1.7 billion, between 1.2 and 1.5 billion are of the Sunni branch and the Shi'ah branch comprises only 10-20%.

. . . William Faulkner is one the great American authors.  He wrote, most notably, "As I Lay Dying"
"The Sound and The Fury" and "Absalom, Absalom!".   He wrote of the South and the period of and following our Civil War.  His dialogue reflected his ear to the vernacular of the time.   "Absalom, Absalom!" was published in 1936 and helped win him the Nobel Prize for Literature.   In it is a famous line, "Well, Kernel, they kilt us but they aint whupped us yit, air they?"

. . . if you mix in a spray bottle, 2 oz Dawn dishwashing liquid, 4 oz lemon juice, 8 oz white vinegar, and 10 oz water you will have the mixture I wrote in my notes a year ago and now I can't remember what it's for.  My guess is it will clean anything.

. . . Fiona is teething - giver her a break.

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