

This weekend at services at Catholic Churches you will hear stories about vision.

From Samuel in the Old Testament, we hear the story of how David became king.  A good man named Jesse had eight sons.  God told Samuel that he had chosen one of Jesse's sons to be king. Jesse brought his seven oldest sons before Samuel and asked which one.  Jesse thought that it was surely one of them.  But no, God had chosen the youngest son - the one who was not there.  Jesse was confused.  Samuel explained to Jesse that men do not see with the same eyes that God sees with.  God can look into the heart of a person.

In the New Testament reading from Paul's letter to the Ephesians, he tells them to live in the light - to be children of the light.  For light allows us to see.  In the light there is goodness.  Be with Jesus. Jesus is the Light of the World.

The Gospel reading is John's account of Jesus curing the young man who was blind from birth.  It was met with skepticism from the Rabbis and other teachers in the temple.  They were jealous.  Jesus told them that he came to bring light to the world - to help the world to see.  He meant that they were blind if they did not believe.

Seeing is believing!

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