

Cincinnati is famous for many things.  I recently came across one I had never known.

While watching a movie the other day, the script mentioned a game called "seven minutes in heaven." I had heard of it - played it - thought everyone had.  For us it was part of a larger game called "spin the bottle."  Spin the bottle is a kissing game.  You know how it goes.  Sit in a circle, spin the bottle, lean over and kiss the person to which the bottle points.  That's they way it goes.

The advanced version calls for both parties to go into a separate room and do whatever for seven minutes.  This is the 'seven minutes in heaven' part.  Not long enough to be too dangerous but certainly a step up from the quick kiss in a circle of friends.  Sometimes, they might do nothing. Sometimes, seven minutes is a long time.

Anyway, something prompted me to look it up on the internet and, of course, there was an entry in WikipediA for "Seven minutes in Heaven" and I'll quote here from their entry:  "Seven minutes in heaven is a teenager's party game first recorded as being played in Cincinnati in the early 1950s."  Wow!  We were the first.  Who knew?

Now you know one more thing that Cincinnati has contributed to the world.  Cough! Cough!

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