ISAIAH 55:10-11 ROMANS 8:18-23 PSALMS 65:10-14 MATTHEW 13:1-23
Our ancestors were part of a largely agrarian society. These messages were directed to them as farmers and others who relied on the land.
This weekend, Isaiah tells us that God said that in essence we will reap what we sow. He refers to water as the determiner of successful planting. The psalm writer gave us the same message but expanded the message to include the need for fertile ground. Paul tells the Romans in his letter that times are tough but we must persevere - good advice for any farmer.
In the Gospel this weekend and the weekends that follow, we hear about Jesus teaching the common people. Again, these were mostly farmers. He spoke to them in parables that they could understand.
This week's message, that he taught from a boat on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, is about the planting of seed. He tells them about four places seed may be planted and what the result would be. You probably know the story. Seed wont grow at all if dropped on a path; may grow but quickly die if dropped on poor, rocky ground; will grow but be choked out if planted on soil amidst bushes and weeds; will grow and flourish if dropped on fertile ground.
Of course, you are the seed. Ponder these questions. "How were you planted?" "Have you received the water and nutrients that you needed?" "If you were planted poorly, can you overcome it?" "Do you have roots that can be saved?" "Can you rid yourself of bushes and weeds that surround you?" "Do you really want to flourish?"
Jesus taught in parables not so He would be hard to understand but that He could be understood on many levels. Read for yourselves.
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