

I'm all for taking wine for medicinal purposes.  You can have a drink before a meal to promote appetite and after a meal to promote the gift of gab.  Make it sherry if you like your wine dry.  Sherry is a fortified wine made only in southern Spain.  It is fortified with alcoholic wine after fermentation making it dry.  If you prefer sweet wine, try Port.  It is fortified when fermentation is only half complete -  leaving many of the sugars. 

Endocrinology is the study of glands and the hormones they produce.  The human glands are (from top to bottom) the pineal, pituitary, thyroid and parathyroid, thymus, adrenals, pancreas and gonads. 
Hormones are great example of "not too much and not too little is where you want to be."

Okay, I heard someone say "what the heck is the pineal gland?"  Well, it sits in your head and is shaped like a pine cone - thus the name "pineal."  It produces melatonin which primarily controls your sleep patterns.  Lately, my pineal gland has been telling me to take a two hour nap every afternoon - it's not my fault, it's my hormones.

Kleptomania is a disease but if you take something for it - well, that's how you got the disease in the first place. 

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