

Did you ever ungulate?  Of course not, you're too couth to do something like that.  Right?

Okay, I'll stop being silly.  An ungulate is a hoofed animal.  Hoofs sometimes turn into toes.
Scientists who study animals classify them as even-toed (2,4,6) and odd-toed 1,3,5) ungulates.  I'm sure they have a good reason for doing this.

Even-toed ungulates include pigs, hippos, camels, giraffes and deer.
Odd-toed ungulates include horses, donkeys, zebras, tapirs and rhinos.  You can include all of the wild asses into this group except the ones you find in a bar on a Friday night.

Another of the even-toed ungulates is the Bison.  Another of the even-toed ungulates is the American Buffalo.  Ah, did I repeat myself?  Just what is the difference between a bison and a buffalo? 

It turns out that real buffalo are in Africa and Asia - water buffalo, cape buffalo, African buffalo.
What Americans call buffalo are really bison - don't tell the people at the University of Colorado whose mascot is the buffalo.

Before we realized we were wrong, we were singing "give me a home where the buffalo roam" and were cheering for a sharp shooting cowboy called Buffalo Bill Cody.   We even named the second largest city in New York - Buffalo.  Those people are really confused - they gave us wings and neither bison nor buffalo really have wings. 

In closing, if you have a chance to ungulate, do it with a very close friend - but not in public.

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