

First some review of the Bible:  The Passover is a one-day remembrance of God's deliverance of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.  God sent a number of plagues on the Egyptians, the last of which was the killing of the first-born son of every household.  The Israelites placed blood on their doorsteps and the Angel of Death 'passed over' them.  Then, it was time to flee the country.  God told them to go immediately - not to bother using yeast to leaven their bread or rolls - just cook it and go.

It is these occurrences that bring us to the feast of Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  The Feast of Unleavened Bread immediately follows the Passover meal and lasts for seven days.  Jesus was crucified during the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

Our first reading this week is from Exodus and recounts the covenant (agreement) the Jews had with God as they fled from Egypt into the desert.  Moses told them what God wanted them to do; they sacrificed animals and Moses spread the blood of the beasts on the temple he built and onto the people.  They were fully committed to God.

In the second reading, Paul explains to the Hebrews that, just as Moses had used the blood of sacrificed animals to secure their covenant with God, Jesus had used His own blood to secure a new covenant between God and His people. 

In the Gospel, Mark tells the story of the Last Supper.  Jesus makes the great and lasting gift to us of Himself.  "This is my body. . . This is my blood.   Take and eat . . . Take and drink.  Do this in remembrance of me."  His presence is real. 

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