

This week, the thirteenth in ordinary time, we are told about life and death.  First, in the Book of Wisdom from the Old Testament, we are told that man was made to live forever but because of sin we must experience death.  Everyone who lives - dies.  Even Jesus died.  The only exception is His mother who we believe was assumed into Heaven.  This goes hand in hand with our belief that she was conceived without sin.  

In the second reading, part of Paul's letter to the people of Corinth, he writes reminds them that they should not worry about having too little to survive and if they have plenty they should share.  All this because in the end, we all have just what we need.  Keep the faith.

In the reading from Mark's gospel, a sick woman was cured of her illness when she touched the cloak of Jesus.  He told her that her faith had saved her.  Jesus was on his way to see a sick child.  He parents had asked him to intercede.  When He arrived at their house, the girl had already died.  Jesus brought the child back to life and told her parents not to tell anyone what He had done.  He would have been hounded incessantly.  Yes, He had power over death.  Keep the faith.

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