

When I used to write/read contracts, there was usually a clause that exempted one side because of something happening which could be called "an act of God".   For instance, if a contractor agreed to complete a construction project in a certain time frame with a penalty for being late,  the contractor could claim exemption from the penalty because of excessive or extreme weather.  It happened all the time and courts usually sided with the contractor if it was disputed.  Extreme weather was an "act of God."

I was thinking about this the other day when it occurred to me that people no longer think that extreme weather is "act of God."  We are so egotistical as to think almost everything is "an act of man."   Mother Nature (God) is now out of the picture; we are sure human nature controls our world.

Very similarly, Natural Laws with which God endowed us are no longer in effect.  These are the laws upon which our Constitution is based.  According to liberal jurists, man's laws overrule the Constitution - they can be fit and adjusted to each situation.

The switch from being a "God fearing" people to being egoists is not a subtle act.  It is a given concept.  Most people will now say, "It is all about me."  Heaven forbid!

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