

At Catholic mass this weekend, you will hear the words of Isaiah in chapter 53, the words of Paul from chapter 4 in his letter to the Hebrews and of Mark in chapter 10 of his gospel.  Here is what you will hear.

Isaiah tries to explain something to his readers that it is hard for them (and us) to believe.  Our rewards for a life well lived are not of this world.  People doing evil deeds are sometimes rewarded on Earth. It doesn't seem right.  People giving their all to others on Earth are not always rewarded here.  It doesn't seem right.  But it is.

Paul gives us a consoling thought.  We should always know that God understands our troubles and is willing to forgive our faults because He can relate to us - His Son became human.  He didn't need to do that but He did - for us.  When you suffer, remember how Jesus suffered.  Never fear asking forgiveness.  He understands.

Mark relates a story of how some Apostles were again wondering about their reward.  Jesus, of course, told them that they would not be rewarded in this life.  He warned them to not work to receive a reward - that the best thing they could do was to serve others.  Doesn't sound like a reward, does it?

The last lines of Mark's gospel reading of the day are ones to take home with you.  Jesus said. "...whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all.   I did not come to be served - but to serve - and to give my life as a ransom for many." 

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