

On this date in 1999, just twenty years ago today, the Senate of the United States began the impeachment trial of President William Jefferson Clinton in response to the charges initiated by the House of Representatives the previous month.  President Clinton was charged with one count of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice.  These charges stemmed from the investigation into the claim by Paula Jones that the President had sexually harassed her.  During this investigation, it was uncovered that the President had a relationship with a young worker in the White House named Monica Lewinsky.

The charge of sexual misconduct with Lewinsky was not considered; only Clinton's bald faced lies to the investigators and his attempts to change the stories of other witnesses.  To the disgrace of the nation, we learned that the President held that oral sex is not "sex" and that the word "is" could have multiple definitions.

The investigations of Clinton actually began with a special prosecutor looking into he and his wife Hillary's dealings in a shady Arkansas land development called Whitewater.  Sadly, during the investigation, one of Clinton's White House lawyers, Vince Foster, was found mysteriously dead (supposedly self-inflicted gunshot) in D.C. and the information he had on the case had been removed from his office and given to the Clintons.  Foster was from Arkansas and had advised the Clintons in their Whitewater dealings.

Twenty years ago today - I thought you should be reminded.

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