

It's good investment strategy to re-balance your holdings at least once each year.  What goes good one year will not necessarily go well the next.  Stocks of various types, bonds, metals, property, etc. can vary greatly from the proportions you thought were best at the beginning of the year.  Rebalancing your investments gets them back into the best positions for you.  If you don't know what to do, seek help.

Today it would be good to think about rebalancing your life.  What are you now doing too much of?  What are you now doing too little of?  What am I doing exclusively for myself?

When I think about rebalancing my life, I think of Gale Sayers and Brian Piccolo.  A movie about them came out in the early '70s called Brian's Song.  I warn you, it is a tearjerker.  Sayers was the All-Pro running back of the Chicago Bears at that time.  Piccolo was a young running back trying to make it in the NFL.  They developed a strong friendship - rare for a black man and a white man at that time.  Brian died of cancer at the age of 26.  Gale Sayers went into the Hall of Fame and wrote a book entitled "I Am Third".

"I Am Third" talks about having the right balance in your life.  God must be first.  Family and team must be second.  You are third.  Strike that balance and you are a good person leading a good life.  Think about rebalancing your life, today.

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