

It's difficult to have an original thought - people are thinking all the time.  It's hard to believe, but they are.  I've tried many times for many years to think of something original but I've always failed.  Now, I've got one.  This is one for the 'books'.  Hold your horses, here it comes.

You know that all the great artists of the world are men - check the museums, they are. You know that all the great musicians of the world are men - visit the symphony, they are.  You know that all the kids who are superior at playing video games are boys - take my word for it, they are.   ('all' in these cases is a slight exaggeration - but only slight)  These are all artsy things and you might expect the 'fairer sex' to prevail but they certainly don't.  Strange, isn't it?

Well, I've come up with a logical reason.  I attribute this phenomena to "directional peeing".  You got it, "directional peeing".  From an early age, the male of the species has the ability to be more artistic.  From an early age the boys use their hands.  In the very basic things that we all must do, boys have a huge advantage.  I know, now that you've heard it, you're saying to yourself, "Why didn't I think of that?"  Well, you didn't and I did and it's original. Spread the news!!!

 Image result for peeing clipart

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