

The U.S. military is divided under three major commands;  Army, Air Force and Navy.  The Marines are technically part of the Navy as is the Coast Guard.  The Marines are represented on the Joint Chiefs of Staff but answer to the Department of the Navy. 

That's the way it's been for a number of years.  At one time, the Air Force was part of the Army.  My dad was in the Army Air Corps during World War II. 

I'm thinking this has to change and it should happen soon.  More and more it appears to me that future wars and potential attacks on our country might come from space and outer space.  No, I'm not talking about aliens.  I'm talking about two types of future warfare.

First, it seems to me that space ships, satellites and/or space stations of foreign powers will soon have the ability to shoot directly down at us.  This seems to be totally out of the Air Force's ability to protect us.  Are we prepared to defend ourselves?  Do we have the capability to see an attack like this before it is too late?  Are we preparing to turn outer space into an offensive weapons platform?  I think we should - THEY are.

Second, is cyber warfare.  Foreign powers have or will soon have the ability to disable or severely damage our infra-structure with just the flick of a computer switch.  Which department is defending us against such an attack?  Are we leaving this to the Department of Homeland Security?  Are we preparing to turn cyber space into an offensive weapons platform?  I think we should - THEY are. 

Let's organize two more military departments specifically for these two situations - the Outer Space Force and the Cyber Space Force.  BE PREPARED.

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