

This weekend at Catholic mass you will hear a passage from Luke's gospel, chapter 16, which may befuddle you.  Here is my capsule recounting of the story that Jesus told. 

There was a master who had a steward.  The master was a landowner which, in those times, meant that he had farm land and live stock grazing land.  He was rich.  The steward was the man the master had hired to oversee his operation.  He was given a place to live and a portion of the profits.  He saw that the land was planted and reaped and the harvest sold. 

After a time, it became aware to the master that his steward was cheating him, not doing his best and enriching himself.  So, he fired the steward. 

This put the steward in a bind.  He really had no other way of making a living.  The despicable steward came up with an idea.  He reasoned that if he minimized the debt which many people had to the master, that they would take care of him in the future.

Now comes the shock.  The master finds out the trick the steward was playing - giving away the master's money for his own benefit and the master said, "Good idea. Good work."  What?  Why would the master do that?  He was forgiving debt owed to the master.  He was giving away the master's money.  I told you it was shocking.

Here's my take on it.   First, think back to last week and remember how sorry you felt for the Prodigal son's brother when his father threw a feast for the despicable brother.  Now, this week we have another case where our human sensibilities are shaken.  My answer is that these are lessons to us that God judges by different standards than we do. 

Don't try to judge others.  Don't try to presume to know how God judges.  His ways are beyond ours.  I think some day we will understand - some day, but not today. 

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