

 No, this is not about anyone I know ...but, yet it is.  There is a book published in 2016 by Adam Cohen named "Imbeciles" that may shock some of you.  Here is a capsule of what you need to know if you are interested.

An imbecile is, according to Merriam Webster today,  a fool or an idiot or one that is mentally deficient.  According to the psychiatry standards of the early 20th Century, it included people with an IQ of 26-50 which made them better than idiots (IQ 0-25) but below morons (IQ 51-70).  Today, all these people fall into the single category of mentally deficient.

More definitions!  You should also know that "eugenics" is the practice of controlled selective breeding of human populations to improve genetic composition.   Be aware that this practice was popular beginning in about 1890.  

Adolph Hitler was a proponent.  He desired the Aryan race (Nordic christian) be made pure.  Toward this end he killed 19.3 million civilians who were Jews, Slavs or other undesirables.

China practiced eugenics by it's one-male child policy.  Today, it is eliminating Muslim peoples (Uyghurs) from it's eastern Xinjiang province.

These two examples of eugenics in the world are accomplished by murder.  More often, the objectives are carried out by forced sterilization.  One of the major proponents of forced sterilization was The United States of America.  In the first 20 years of the 20th century, over 65,000 people were forcibly sterilized in America.  The mentally deficient (imbeciles), physically deficient and those tending to criminality were the targets.  

Our possession, Puerto Rico, was a special case. By 1965, 35% of Puerto Rico's women of child bearing age had been sterilized.  By percentage, it was the most of any country in the world.  Abortion was not allowed.

American judges in many states still have the option to reduce a rapist's penalty if they agree to sterilization.  Most of our States still have forced sterilization laws on the books.  Who do you think has suffered most by this practice?  Who are the Imbeciles?  


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