

This weekend at Catholic mass you will hear a gospel reading that immediately follows last week's.  A week ago we heard Matthew's account of Christ miraculously feeding a large crowd with just a few fish and a few pieces of bread.  

After that, Jesus sent His Apostles ahead in a boat while He dismissed the crowd and went to a place alone to pray.  Yes, Jesus prayed - alone.  His disciples, in the mean time, were sloshing around in their boat, being buffeted by some strong winds.  They were wondering what kept Jesus from following them.  And then, all of a sudden, there He was - walking on the water toward them.  Yowza!  Was it really Him or just a ghost?  It was Him!

Now, big mouthed Peter, decided to test the Lord.  He asked Jesus to allow Him to walk on the water.  Jesus said, "Okay, come here."  Peter stepped out onto the water and was doing fine for a few paces.  Then, Peter remembered where he was and what he was doing.  He became fearful and distracted by the coming storm.  He thought that he would sink and drown.  He did begin to sink and might have drowned if Jesus hadn't saved him.  

Neat story.  Think now that you are one of those Apostles in the boat.  Only this time, the boat is just our world - your world.  You know that Jesus has called you to come to Him.  Yes He has.  Surely you started to make the trek to reach God.   Maybe you have started more than once.  No doubt, you became fearful and distracted by the world.  Sometimes, the world does seem too much for us to handle.  Should you be so embarrassed - so embarrassed that you will not start the trek to God again?   Heavens, No!

Remember that the one who lost faith in this gospel event was among the most favored of all the Apostles. All was forgiven. He is the one Jesus later chose to shepherd His church.  Be assured, He will always forgive you.  And, He may have great things in store for you, too.

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