

 On we travel in the museum of my mind.  12" x 16"  acrylic on canvas - canvas stapled to cardboard and surrounded by a homemade frame.  That's as cheap as you get.

I would like to say that the picture below was a joke I played to see if anyone was paying attention;  but it was not.  This is just one of those unthinking, incongruous works of someone not paying attention.  I love the colors - I love the contrast in colors - I love a lot of the individual items in the picture.  BUT as you can see, I didn't know if it was night or day.  The sheep are in sunlight but the stars are in the sky.  The light is coming from the darkness causing a shadow behind the tree but on the other side of the distant tree line it is definitely night time - I guess.  And yes, there seems to be light rising in the distance.   

I liked too much about it to change anything.  Some day I may repaint this with a different sky. I said all this so my critics would not have that chance.  You know who you are.

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