

 This weekend at Catholic mass you will hear "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's."  I know you've heard that before.  This is the story as told by Matthew.  Both Mark and Luke also tell this story.  Beyond that, it is repeated in Paul's letter to the Romans.

What does it mean?  Who is Caesar and why do we care?  What is God's?   Here goes.

Caesar, then, was the government.  It is the right of government, given that authority by the people, to collect taxes from those who have money in order to do things for the benefit of all the people.  Only government can do some things; things like large projects.  I think you all understand that.  Jesus had no problem with that.

You know who God is; well, maybe.  Here, I think, Jesus is marking the difference between the physical world and the spiritual world.  Of course, God gave us everything that exists in the physical world.  But, He also gave us the spiritual.  He gave us our spiritual side; our soul.  Our spiritual side is more 'who we are' than this weak, decaying body everyone sees.  

The whole point is -  don't ignore your spiritual side.  You have it even if you don't know it or want it.  That spiritual side, your soul, must be given to God.  

Be a whole person!  Body and soul!  Physical and spiritual!  Strive to make each a gift to God.

Have a great weekend.  I love YOU!


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