

 This weekend at Catholic mass you will first hear a reading from John's Book of Revelation.  It is his prophetical vision of Heaven and the end of our world.  It is related to us in metaphor and symbolism.  It challenges the mind and fills it with imagination.  The reading gives us most of the verses from the 7th chapter of the book. Concentrate on what the multitude did and said.  Like those welcoming Jesus to Jerusalem before his execution, they held palms and said He was their salvation sent from God.  Be the ones in the crowd wearing white robes washed clean in the blood of the Lamb of God.    

The second reading is from another John, probably the evangelist who wrote the Gospel.  It is a general letter to the faithful.  The portion of  the letter which we hear is about us as children of God.  It affirms the basic truth that "to know someone is to love someone" - "to know God is to love God."   Take this to heart and never be satisfied in your knowledge of God.  Be a student all your life.

The beautiful Gospel reading is from Matthew.  His telling of the Sermon on the Mount.  He gives nine examples of who will receive benefit from suffering or good works done on Earth.  For today, I choose "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."  Being a peacemaker includes your interaction with others.  Never foment argument between friends or enemies.

Have a great weekend.  I love you.


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