

 During a 10 second kiss, some 80 million bacteria are transferred.  Bacteria causes infection and infectious diseases.  This is a load of bacteria and is also a bacteria load.  Bacteria are alive.  A virus is another thing.  It is not alive but a group of molecules.  These molecules can do nothing without a cell in which they can live and thrive.  The chances you contract a viral disease or the degree to which that virus effects you is dependent on your viral load.  Can you transmit a virus to another by kissing?  Of course, you can.  But don't stop kissing - it makes the world go 'round.  I suggest loads of kissing.  

The English language, as spoken in England, contains at least 3,000 words that can be used to describe being drunk. I assure you that most of them are not flattering.  Now, don't stop drinking alcohol, just stop getting plastered, zonked, bashed, potted, groggy, juiced, inebriated, three-sheets-to-the-wind, tipsy, crocked, sloshed, stewed, wasted, under the table, ...  That's my suggestion.

President Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) and his lovely First Lady, Lou Henry, knew how to speak Chinese.  That was pretty rare in those days.  I'm told they spoke to each other in Chinese so that no one else in the White House would know what they were saying.  This whole country may be speaking Chinese some day.

Watch out; the locusts are coming.  Not the cicadas but the 'harmless' green grasshoppers. Oh, your not worried.  Well, green grasshoppers turn yellow or black if they have an insufficient amount of food to eat.  Then they are real locusts.  Well, you know how hard it has been for the grocery stores to keep their shelves stocked - keep an eye on those green grasshoppers.  They could plague us this Summer.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has announced that we should have above average hurricane activity this year.  Yikes!

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