

 "STOP!, in the name of the law. "   

The Knights of the Round Table fought in the name of King Arthur.

"In the name of" is an idiom.  An idiom is an expression whose meaning cannot be derived from reading the individual words.  This idiom can mean that something is done for the benefit of or by the authority of or in memory of.   

Today, instead of a traditional prayer, I just want to remind you that those Catholics you see making the sign of the cross are probably saying, "In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."   If you are one who does it without thinking or speaking or just says "Father, Son and Holy Spirit", you are missing the point.  It is a visible sign to others, yes, but it should have meaning to you.  

It can be used as a lead-in to prayer or any other act.  It is an important prayer in itself.  You can often see athletes making the sign of the cross before batting in a baseball game or shooting a free throw in a basketball game.  I saw the African lady who won the world 10,000 meter race last weekend cross herself over and over before and after her run.  

If you've gotten sloppy about  the sign of the cross, try this:  say "I do this in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."  That addition, for me, brings home the meaning.   

Pray for me - I'll pray for you.


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