

 It's Monday and here's another entry from the past.  I noted this week that the Pope of the Catholic Church is visiting Canada and specifically the Canadians who lived there before the Europeans arrived.  It seems that those indigenous people were badly treated by the first Catholic settlers and the Pope was apologizing to them.  Here is what I wrote nine years ago.



Francis of Assisi is one of the most venerated of all those sainted by the Catholic Church.  Francis lived from 1181 to 1226; just 45 years.  He was never ordained a priest but lived as a friar and instituted three different religious orders.  The most well known is the Order of Friars Minor; simply known as the Franciscans.  This order of priests tries to emulate the life led by Francis.  The simple rule of the order is for everyone to walk in the footsteps of Jesus.  Franciscans are the order of priests and brothers who wear the brown friars habit with hood.  They founded and teach at Roger Bacon High School in Cincinnati.

The newly elected Pope of the Catholic Church, Father Jorge Bergoglio, chose the name Francis at his election.  He is the first Pope to use that name.  Pope Francis is a Jesuit priest; not a Franciscan.

This week, his first extensive interview by the press was published.  I'll summarize his somewhat extensive remarks for you.  The Church should quit focusing on things like abortion, gay marriage, contraception, homosexuality, marriage by priests and the status of women in the Church.  It needs to refocus on simply living as Jesus lived.  Quit judging other people.  Love everyone. 

Sadly, this attitude is shocking to some.  I think it is a big step forward.


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