

 Before I forget, this entry is about the Sunday service readings.  Be aware that on Monday, we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption; Mary being taken into Heaven.  One of the most important dates on the Church calendar - don't miss it.  

Do you worry that people have fallen away from belief in God?  Not just your religion, but all religions.  Does it seem as such?  Is the world less god-fearing than when you were young?  Are there differences, even within your own family or group of friends, as to the importance of God?  What do you make of it?

Does it seem like, after 2000 years, this God-thing should have caught on better?  Be more stable, at least?   What's wrong?  

In the gospel reading you will hear this weekend, Luke quotes Jesus talking to his apostles as saying, "I have come to set the earth on fire and how I wish it were already blazing."  (Unsaid, it is not and it's a long way from it.)  Jesus goes on to say, "Do you think that I have come to establish peace on earth?  No, I tell you, but rather division."  

It was no mystery to God that it would take a lot of work before the world accepted His Son and his teachings.  So, don't be dismayed that the world seems so lax and blasè or apathetic about what He has taught.  Don't let that effect what you know to be true.

We are all called to act.  I'm told that there have been more people martyred for their religion the first 22 years of this century than any other century in history.  

Have a blessed weekend.  I love you.


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